About Wings
Wings of Hope International (Wings) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to aid those in need by providing basic survival tools, such as healthcare, education, nutrition, community development and disaster relief. Wings’ primary goal is to empower those in need to strive for global equality. This vision was conceived in 1998 by Marline Olivier, a Haitian American living in the USA. Since then, many others such as doctors, airline personnel, business professionals, youth, and retirees have joined forces to build the organization that provides medical care and education to help the people of Haiti, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and beyond. Wings is supported exclusively through donations. We are a nonprofit, self-sustaining 501c3 charitable organization. There are no paid salaries, except for the staff in Haiti that work at the medical clinic and the school.

Wings: A lifeline to those in need.
Our Mission
The mission of Wings is to deposit tools and goods to promote self-help and self-sustaining lifestyles that serve to preserve the quality of life of people impacted by social and economic oppression in Haiti.
Our goals are to:
1) build a second story for a dental clinic.
2) build a kitchen for 500 school children to have a hot meal daily
3) provide medicine for the clinic
4) provide clean and safe water for the villagers

Our Vision
We mentor, educate, and provide healing for families that are in need. However, we believe that the strength of a country lies in properly equipping the youth. Our vision is to provide a generation of children with a well-rounded educational experience, all the way into university; empowered children become leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs, etc. for which the possibilities are endless. In this way, communities can realize real change, in a way that material provisions cannot.

Marline Olivier
Wings of Hope International was founded by Marline Olivier. Marline has been working at Delta Airlines as an International Flight Attendant since 1993. As a native of Haiti, Marline understands first hand the dire conditions of poverty and lack of opportunity. In 1998, she started her first nonprofit organization, HOPEH. In response to the growth of the vision, Marline founded Wings of Hope, Inc. to address the same need in other countries worldwide.
Marline maintains her endearment to the people of Haiti, thus Haiti remains a focal point of WOHI. Marline’s commitment is best stated in her own words, “I travel around the world but no place compares to my beloved island, Haiti. I still never forget the painful memories of my childhood and the absence of basic sustenance. I am compelled to go back; I have to save the lives of the children and adults.” Marline’s faith in God has gone a long way in helping accomplish this vision.

Elmore Thomas
Vice President
Elmore considers himself fortunate to be able to follow his heart to serve. “I haven’t meet a person with as much passion and drive to give back as Marline.” A local business owner, he believes in helping people who need an opportunity or just a hand.

Estelle Thomas
Secretary/Public Relations
A daughter of missionary parents, Estelle developed a passion for charitable work at a very young age; as a pianist, she has spent time performing for patients in hospitals and assisted living. She believes that all children should have access to proper nutrition and education.

Eric Hawkins
Eric believes that God gives each of us a gift and purpose in this life along with a responsibility to use those gifts for God's glory. He fell in love with Wings of Hope during a mission trip, and he considers himself blessed to share the love of God through service with the organization.